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Picasso: Guernica (1937)

While looking at this painting my first impression is that it looks very cluttered and it makes me feel overwhelmed. Like I don't know what to focus on or what the main focus is exactly. Mainly because I'm seeing so many weird faces, shapes, movement and objects it's a bit confusing. Even though there is a lot going on I can make out that it looks like there are a bunch of people in some sort of room fighting, because I see people on the floor and someone with a knife. Also there is someone or something coming through the door. It looks rather chaotic. I did research on the painting and found it that at the time Picasso made this painting the Nazi’s did a bombing practice on the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. And this painting shows the emotion of the war and the people who suffered. It is said that this painting is a reminder of a tragedy. After reading this I started to see the war in the painting. It started to make more sense and I wasn't seeing a bunch of weird shapes and faces I started to see the tragedy.


  1. After looking closer than you can see people in the painting. There is a woman that has her head back and she is screaming. It looks like she is holding a baby. Everywhere there are people who are wounded or dead. The bodies seem to be mutilated. There is also a horse whose mouth is open. It looks like he is screaming. Everywhere in the painting there is chaos and problems. Everyone seems to be in pain. This painting makes me feel a little depressed. I can see that everyone is sad and the scene looks very sad and terrifying.


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